News and Press Releases Archive
Research Item | Summary | |
Anna Kirkland joins NSF Working Group on Readying Populations for the COVID-19 Vaccine |
Social scientists from around the country, including IRWG's Anna Kirkland, are collaborating as part of a Working Group on Readying Populations for the COVID-19 Vaccine. |
Announcing 2020 Faculty Seed Grant Awards |
IRWG has awarded 9 Seed Grants for faculty projects on women, gender, sexuality, and health. |
Faculty Seed Grant Report: Cheryl Moyer |
In 2015, Dr. Cheryl Moyer received IRWG funding to conduct a pilot study exploring the shift from surgical to self-induced medical abortion in two fishing villages in urban Accra, Ghana. Data from the project have been presented at several national and international meetings, and two manuscripts have been published or submitted for publication. |
SHARP Center Announces Two Joan Schafer Research Faculty Awards in Sport, Fitness, and Disability |
The Sport, Health and Activity Research and Policy Center (SHARP) and the Institute for Research on Women and Gender have awarded two Joan Schafer Research Faculty Awards in Sport, Fitness, and Disability. |
Announcing 2020 Graduate Student Research Awards |
The Institute for Research on Women and Gender has awarded 12 graduate students funding to support wide-ranging projects related to women, gender, and sexuality. |
Feminist Data Manifest-No |
The Feminist Data Manifest-NO is a collaboratively written set of declarations, refusals, and committments for feminist data studies. |
IRWG Celebrates a Quarter Century of Feminist Research |
We're celebrating IRWG's 25th anniversary in 2020. |
IRWG-Mcubed Research Incentive Grants Announced |
Six faculty cubes awarded additional funding to incorporate gender into research projects |
Women & The Vote: Franchise Struggles, 100 Years and Counting |
UM will celebrate the fight for the 19th amendment and interrogate its role in the history of struggles to extend the right to vote. |
U-M and MSU Gender Research Institutes Collaborate on Fall 2020 Conference on Women’s Suffrage, Past and Present |
In a historic collaboration, the Institute for Research on Women and Gender (IRWG) at the University of Michigan, and Michigan State University's Center for Gender in Global Context (GenCen) and Department of History will jointly present the Gender, Women’s Suffrage, and Political Power: Past, Present, and Future (GWSPP) conference, November 19-21, 2020 at the Radisson Hotel in Lansing, Michigan, near the state capitol. |