News and Press Releases Archive

Research Item Summary
blue square with image of 100 and silhouettes of Lottie Wilson Jackson and Anna Howard Shaw. #UMSuffrage2020 is underneath. Women & The Vote: Franchise Struggles, 100 Years and Counting

UM will celebrate the fight for the 19th amendment and interrogate its role in the history of struggles to extend the right to vote.

U-M and MSU Gender Research Institutes Collaborate on Fall 2020 Conference on Women’s Suffrage, Past and Present

In a historic collaboration, the Institute for Research on Women and Gender (IRWG) at the University of Michigan, and Michigan State University's Center for Gender in Global Context (GenCen) and Department of History will jointly present the Gender, Women’s Suffrage, and Political Power: Past, Present, and Future (GWSPP) conference, November 19-21, 2020 at the Radisson Hotel in Lansing, Michigan, near the state capitol. 

Call for Proposals: Gender, Women's Suffrage & Political Power conference Call for Proposals: Gender, Women's Suffrage & Political Power Conference

Seeking proposals for individual papers, panels, individual discussion sessions, and conversational discussion panels. Submission deadline extended to May 8.

blue heart with yellow block M Giving Blueday 2019

IRWG is pleased to participate in Giving Blueday once again this year!

Dr. Susan Ernst at the Center for International Reproductive Healthcare Training conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with two posters on both the surveys of healthcare providers and the focus group summaries Evaluating Reproductive Healthcare Services for Adolescents and Women with Physical Disabilities in Ethiopia

Dr. Susan Ernst (Obstetrics & Gynecology, Medical School) used IRWG funding to gather preliminary evidence for developing a reproductive health care program to meet the special needs of Ethiopian adolescents and women with disabilities. 

photo of Golfo Tzilos Wernette IRWG seed grant supports first-of-its-kind mHealth app for teen girls

Golfo Tzilos Wernette, an assistant professor in the Departments of Family Medicine and Psychiatry, hopes to help young women prevent STIs by developing the first known mobile app tailored for adolescent girls at risk for substance use and sexual risk taking. 

graphic with three photos from left to right: 2 women at a protest, taking a survey; a group of protesters at the DC Women's March in 2017; a photo of Michael Heaney. Text block under the photos reads "Measuring and Understanding Contemporary Street Protest" Measuring and Understanding Contemporary Street Protest

IRWG research professor Michael T. Heaney recently co-authored an article in the journal Science Advances, which reviews methods for studying street protest, and assesses recent projects, including his own IRWG-supported study.

2019 Community of Scholars fellows on the steps of Lane Hall Graduate Student Spotlight: 2019 IRWG/Rackham Community of Scholars

Three gradaute students discuss their research projects and their experiences in the summer Community of Scholars seminar.

blue square with yellow and white text reading" 2019/2020 LGQRI Speaker Series" LGQRI Announces Speaker Series

The Lesbian-Gay-Queer Research Initiative (LGQRI) is proud to announce their 2019/2020 speaker series!

yellow square with there photographs inside. photos picture Christian Sandvig, Irina Aristarkhova, and Stephanie Rosen IRWG Mcubed Research Incentive awarded to Mcubed 3.0 cube "The Future of Ethics, Society, and Computing"

The first IRWG-Mcubed Research Incentive was recently awarded to cube, "The Future of Ethics, Society, and Computing," an equal collaboration between three investigators: Prof. Irina Aristarkhova (Art & Design), Dr. Stephanie Rosen (Libraries), and Prof. Christian Sandvig (Information).