News and Press Releases Archive

Research Item Summary
photo of Jocelyn Stitt Coaching faculty on research agendas and grant proposals

How Jocelyn Stitt views her role as Program Director for Faculty Research Development

white circle overlaid on grid paper background with text reading "Sexual Harassment in the Academy: 2018 Panel Discussion Series" Sexual Harassment in the Academy - A Fall 2018 Panel Discussion Series

Save the dates for Sexual Harassment in the Academy: A Panel Discussion Series, featuring conversations and reflections on a report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

illustration of a seedling in various stages of growth. text reads "IRWG faculty seed grants, 2018" 2018 Faculty Seed Grant Awards Announced

Announcing the 2018 Faculty Seed Grant recipients for projects on women, gender, and sexuality

Health, Stress, and Tobacco Use Disparities among Sexual Minority Populations

Three-year NIH-funded study to enhance the understanding of tobacco/nicotine use among sexual minorities in the U.S.

Leaders and Laggards: Explaining Variation in University Responses to Sexual Violence in a Changing Legal Environment

Three year NSF-funded study led by sociologists Elizabeth A. Armstrong and Sandra R. Levitsky, investigating how universities respond to campus sexual assault in a tumultuous legal environment. 

Organizational Constructions of a New Right

Two-year NSF-funded study led by Anna Kirkland to examine the implementation and understanding of the Affordable Care Act's Section 1557, which bans sex discrimination by health care providers. The study will focus on health care employees who are responsible for implemeting the new regulations and receiving complaints.

Trajectories of NonMedical Prescription Drug Misuse

NIH/NIDA study led by Sean Esteban McCabe to assess the individual patterns and trajectories of medical and nonmedical use of four classes of prescription medications (i.e., opioids, sedatives, stimulants, tranquilizers) from adolescence to adulthood and the development of substance use disorders and other long-term adverse consequences in adulthood.

Longitudinal Changes in Recovery from Drug Use Disorders: A National Study

Three year NIH/NIDA study led by Sean Esteban McCabe to examine the course of drug use disorders along with longitudinal changes in recovery, rates and correlates of relapse and full remission. 

E-Cigarette Use and Longitudinal Changes in Cigarette Smoking and Health

Sean Esteban McCabe's NIH study examining the relationships among e-cigarette use, traditional cigarette smoking, other tobacco use, other substance use behaviors and health problems from adolescence to young adulthood.

Research Development at IRWG

IRWG staff: finding, applying for, and securing federal and foundation research funding for UM faculty