Feminist Data Manifest-No

January 2020
In August 2019, Marika Cifor (University of Washington) and Patricia Garcia (University of Michigan) organized a “Feminist Data Studies Workshop” hosted by IRWG. The Feminist Research Seminar workshop was motivated by the need to create a space for coalition-building between feminist data scholars working across disciplines.
The group recently published the Feminist Data Manifest-NO, a collaboratively written set of declarations, refusals, and commitments for feminist data studies. It refuses harmful data regimes and commits to new data futures.
The authors explain the origin and the intent of their collective publication, "Situating our work within a long genealogy of feminist thinking and praxis, following Ruha Benjamin we drafted the Manifest-NO as a way to ‘remember to imagine and craft the worlds you cannot live without, just as you dismantle the worlds you cannot live within.’”
Visit manifestno.com to read the full declaration.