Reflecting on the Past...Reaching toward the Future: Conference

photo of hands playing piano with text "Reflecting on the Past, Reaching toward the Future, II; September 12-15, 2019 at The University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre, and Dance, E.V. Moore Building"
Hosted by Dr. Louise Toppin, Videmus, and The University of Michigan School of Music Theater and Dance
Event Date: 
September 13, 2019
Event Time: 
9:00am to 10:00pm
E.V. Moore Building (University of Michigan)
photo of hands playing piano with text "Reflecting on the Past, Reaching toward the Future, II; September 12-15, 2019 at The University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre, and Dance, E.V. Moore Building"

This conference focuses on the curation of music of the African Diaspora for future research and performance. Through a series of lectures, panels, and performances by leading scholars, composers, and performers, attendees will discuss rediscovered operas (Harry Lawrence Freeman, Julia Perry, Edward Boatner, and Clarence Cameron White); have conversations on newly created operas on African American themes; hear a workshop performance of Edmonia by William Banfield; discuss sociopolitical musical thought, and 400: An Afrikan Epic (commemorating 400 years since the beginning of slavery); discuss innovations in art song curation; discuss institutional aspects of diverse faculty and student development; participate in composer discussions about the creation and delivery of African American music; explore the work of composer/preachers; explore creating sustainable organizations for African American music; discuss the salon for building black musical thought, and much more. Featured presentations by Dr. Kyra Gaunt, Dr. Tammy Kernodle, Dr. Naomi André, and Dr. Mark Lomax lead an illustrious lineup of presenters and performers.

More information on the conference, including full schedule and registration at

Register to Attend. All conference events are FREE and open to the public