What Real Cases Teach us about Human Trafficking

photo of Elizabeth Campbell will event title and information
Elizabeth Anne Campbell, Clinical Assistant Professor, Human Trafficking Clinic, University of Michigan Law School
Event Date: 
February 8, 2021
Event Time: 
12:00pm to 1:00pm
Zoom / Register: http://myumi.ch/Axvpd
Event Accessibility : 
Captions will be provided, please contact heidiab@umich.edu for any accessibility needs
photo of Elizabeth Campbell will event title and information

The Human Trafficking Clinic (HTC) at the University of Michigan Law School, launched in 2009, is the first clinical law program solely dedicated to the issue of human trafficking. Human trafficking can be simply understood as compelled service. The legal clinic model consists of clinical faculty supervising students as they prepare for each aspect of their cases.  Students move beyond the theory of the classroom into the real-world practice of law. During this session, Elizabeth Campbell, Co-Director of the HTC, will describe the varied experiences and complex needs of survivors of human trafficking. In describing the work, Professor Campbell will debunk pervasive and harmful myths about trafficking. Professor Campbell will be joined by a student attorney from the clinic. The student attorney will shed light on how working directly with survivors of exploitation has impacted the development of their professional identity.

This event is presented by the Initiative on Gender Based Violence and Sexual Harassment at IRWG. 

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