Spectrum of Advocacy & Activism Symposium: Finding Your Voice

Symposium image with hand and megaphone
Event Date: 
November 15, 2017
Event Time: 
8:00am to 7:00pm
Michigan League
Symposium image with hand and megaphone


The symposium, hosted by the Center for the Education of Women, includes presentations by local and national advocacy experts who have taken varied approaches to advocacy in ways that best leverage their current context (power, privilege, and identity). Training sessions will feature capacity-building workshops on a range of topics from community organizing to bystander intervention to running for political office. Afternoon panel discussions will offer practical strategies that attendees can apply to their own work as advocates and activists. At the end of the day, participants will be presented with a common challenge that they will address in small groups comprised of individuals from campus and community.

The day will close out with a surprise special keynote speaker to be announced soon!

Symposium Goals

  • Engage students, practitioners, and researchers who are interested in advocacy and activism
  • Equip symposium participants with advocacy training that can be applied to their area(s) of interest
  • Develop a network among attendees for potential partnerships beyond the symposium
  • Highlight the value of diverse perspectives in advocacy work.



This Symposium is made possible through the generous support of CEW's Frances & Sydney Lewis Visiting Leaders Fund and the CEW Mullin Welch Fund. CEW would also like to thank the following supporters of this event:


Institute of Research on Women & Gender

College of Literature, Science and the Arts (LSA)
University Human Resources]
U-M Athletics
Women of Color Task Force
Ginsberg Center
U-M Office of the Provost

U-M UHS Wolverine Wellness
U-M Spectrum Center