signal/noise: A FemTechNet conference on Feminist Pedagogy, Technology, Transdisciplinarity / Sunday Dialogues


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color photograph of Lynnee Denise
Event Date: 
April 10, 2016
Event Time: 
9:00am to 2:30pm
Michigan League
Event Tags: 
color photograph of Lynnee Denise

Sunday’s dialogues will be activated by the signal/noise performative radnote dialogue of Lynnee Denise with Marla Jaksch, followed by modulated grooves of small group discussions brought back to the full circle of participation.

Free registration and more information available at

Schedule for Sunday, April 10 

  • 9am: Breakfast provided // Michigan League Concourse (2nd Floor)
  • 10am: KEYNOTE DIALOGUE // Join Virtually via Livestream

DJ Lynnée Denise is a Visiting Artist at California State University’s Pan African Studies Department and its Chicano Studies Department. DJ Lynnée Denise is an artist and scholar who incorporates self-directed project based research into interactive workshops, music events and public lectures that provide the opportunity to develop an intimate relationship with under-explored topics related to the cultural history of marginalized communities. She creates multi- dimensional and multi-sensory experiences that require audiences to apply critical thinking to how the arts can hold viable solutions to social inequality. Her work is inspired by underground cultural movements, the 1980s, migration studies, theories of escape, and electronic music of the African Diaspora. With support from the Jerome Foundation, The Astrae Lesbian Foundation for Justice, Idea Capital, The BiljmAIR artist residency (Netherlands) and The Rauschenberg Artists as Activists Grant, she has been able to resource her performative research on a local, national and global level. She’s the product of the Historically Black Fisk University with a MA from the historically radical San Francisco State University Ethnic Studies Department.

  • 11:30am-12:30pm: Dialogue Sessions // Michigan League 3rd Floor
    • DIALOGUE SESSION 1: FTN DOCC PEDAGOGICAL EXPERIMENTS // Michigan League, Koessler Room (3rd Floor) // Facilitator: Karen Keifer-Boyd, Discussant: Sarah Fox
    • DIALOGUE SESSION 2: FTN DOCC PRIVACY AND TRANSPARENCY IN THE NETWORK // Michigan League, Room D (3rd Floor) // Facilitator: Ashley Walker
    • DIALOGUE SESSION 3: FTN DOCC STATEMENTS OF SOLIDARITY // Michigan League, Room C (3rd Floor) // Facilitators: Alex Juhasz & Jasmine Rault
    • DIALOGUE SESSION 4: FTN DOCC VIDEO DIALOGUES & THEME // Michigan League,Henderson Room  (3rd Floor) // Facilitator: Marla Jaksch
  • 12:30-2:30pm: Full group lunch (provided) & presenting from break-out sessions

Hosted by the Institute for Research on Women & Gender with generous support from the Department of Women's Studies, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Institute for the Humanities, Rackham Graduate School, University of Michigan Office of Research, Department of Afroamerican and African Studies, Department of American Culture, Digital Studies, Digital Education Initiative, LSA Dean's Office and the University Library.

