signal/noise: A FemTechNet conference on Feminist Pedagogy, Technology, Transdisciplinarity / Friday Panels
FemTechNet’s conference on Feminist Pedagogy, Technology, and Transdisciplinarity begins with four panels on Friday, which introduces the DOCC, explores issues of labor, and pedagogical possibilities through mapping and activism.
Free registration and more information available at
Schedule for Friday, April 8 // Join virtually via Livestream
2:10 – 3pm: Introduction to FemTechNet’s DOCC & Conference Overview
Panelists include Lisa Nakamura (University of Michigan), Karen Keifer-Boyd (Penn State), Marla Jaksch (College of New Jersey), Veronica Paredes (UIUC); Karl Surkan (MIT), Karl Surkan (MIT), T.L. Cowan (Yale), Juliana Luchkiw, Marcea Decker, Skylar Maguire
3:15 – 4:15pm: Labor
- Build, Buy, or Modernize: Mechanization of America’s Kitchen 1900-1959 (Khanh Vo, College of William & Mary)
- Porcus Oeconomicus: Labor, Feminism and Biopolitics of the Smithfield Pig (Lindsay Garcia, College of William & Mary)
- ArrayProject&& (Jessica Parris & Adam Trowbridge, The Array Project / Channel TWo)
4:30 – 5:30pm: Mapping
- Wind Her Up; Watch Her Dance: The Mechanization of the Hula Girl in Twentieth Century America (Leah M. Kuragano, College of William & Mary)
- Calling to Talk and Listening Well: The Multimedia Practices of Feminist Telephone Hotlines (Cait McKinney, McGill University)
5:45 – 6:45pm: Activism
- Creativity and Subjectivity in Social Media Activism (Ellen Moll, Michigan State University)
- Feminist Advocacy and Privacy Management (Jade Metzger, Wayne State University)
- Bridging with STEAM/M: Engaging Activists, Academics and Creative Industry in Transformative ICT Practice (Paula Gardner, McMaster University)
7-9pm: signal/noise Launch Party, Michigan League, Michigan Room (2nd Floor)
Hosted by the Institute for Research on Women & Gender with generous support from the Department of Women's Studies, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Institute for the Humanities, Rackham Graduate School, University of Michigan Office of Research, Department of Afroamerican and African Studies, Department of American Culture, Digital Studies, Digital Education Initiative, LSA Dean's Office and the University Library