signal/noise: A FemTechNet conference on Feminist Pedagogy, Technology, Transdisciplinarity / Saturday Workshops
On Saturday we will be making and working together in workshops on feminist mapping, writing, wikistorming, exquisite engendering, and hACTIVISM. The purpose of the workshops is to experience a range of DOCC pedagogical approaches based in DOCC pedagogical principles, and to engage in collaborations and create situated knowledge.
Free registration and more information available at
Schedule for Saturday, April 9
10am: Workshop Welcome & Coffee // Shapiro Library Lobby, 1st Floor
10:15am-1pm: Concurrent Workshops
Wikistorming Workshop // Hatcher Library Gallery Lab, 1st Floor
- Teaching WIKID GRRLS (Jade Metzger & Stine Eckert, Wayne State University)
- A User Experience Approach to the Politics of Information Design (Marta Delatte, University of Hull)
Feminist Mapping Workshop // Hatcher Library Clark Instructional Space, 2nd Floor, South Side
- Feminist Mapping Principles & Practices (Karen Keifer-Boyd, Penn State)
- Mapping Food, Migration and Difference in Singapore (Kristy H.A. Kang, Nanyang Technological University)
- A Feminist Mapping of Filmic Narratives (Almudena Escribá Maroto, Universidad de Valencia)
- Mapping FemTechNet Landscape (Veronica Paredes &Ann Wu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Exquisite Engendering Workshop // Hatcher Library Gallery (Room 100), 1st Floor, North Side
- Vibrant Lives DataPlay (Jacqueline Wernimont, Jessica Rajko & Eileen Standley, Arizona State University)
- Edgeland Futurism and Beach Bodies (Ash Smith, University of California, San Diego)
Feminist Hackers Workshop // Shapiro Design Lab, Shapiro Library 1st Floor
- Freedom Recycling Bin: The Game (Cricket Keating, Ohio State University & Melissa Meade, Colby-Sawyer College)
- FEM:play — Feminist Game Card Hack (Paula Gardner, McMaster University & Emma Westecott, OCAD University)
1-2pm: lunch (provided) // Hatcher Library Gallery, 1st Floor, North Side
2-5pm: Concurrent Workshops
Feminist Writers Workshop // Hatcher Library Gallery (Room 100), 1st Floor, North Side
- HAPLAB – Horror and Possibility Sci-Fi Workshop (Sophia Brueckner, University of Michigan)
- Pedagogies of Promotion (Li Cornfeld, McGill University)
Feminist Activism Workshop // Hatcher Library Gallery Lab, 1st Floor, North Side
- What’s A Digital Feminist? Experiences of Gender and Labor in the Digital Humanities at the University of North Carolina (Charlotte Fryar & Malina Chavez, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Technology, Politics & Play: Understanding the Pedagogical and Political Value of Tinkering (Jessi Ring, Carleton University)
Feminist Hackers Workshop // Shapiro Design Lab, Shapiro Library 1st Floor
- Teaching with Twine: An Affective Tool for Exploring Identity (Karl Surkan, MIT)
5:30-6:30pm: DOCCS IN ACTION // Michigan League, Ballroom (2nd Floor)
Facilitators: Anita Say Chan (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign); Diana Mincyte (CUNY, College of Technology, New York); Carrie Rentschler (McGill University); Marla Jaksch (The College of New Jersey); Ivette Bayo Urban (University of Washington)
6:30-9pm: Reception + Music from DJ Stacey "Hotwaxx" Hale // Michigan League Ballroom, 2nd Floor
Hosted by the Institute for Research on Women & Gender with generous support from the Department of Women's Studies, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Institute for the Humanities, Rackham Graduate School, University of Michigan Office of Research, Department of Afroamerican and African Studies, Department of American Culture, Digital Studies, Digital Education Initiative, LSA Dean's Office and the University Library.