Info Session: Student Opportunities for AIDS/HIV Research (SOAR) Program

Gary Harper - SOAR Co-Director & Research Director; Professor of Health Behavior & Health Education, School of Public Health
Anna Kirkland - SOAR Co-Director & Academic Director; Director, Institute for Research on Women & Gender; Professor of Women's & Gender Studies
Heidi Bennett - SOAR Program Coordinator & Academic Counselor

Are you interested in attending graduate school after your bachelor’s degree? Are you interested in research focused on HIV in sexual and gender minority communities and communities of color? Are you a rising junior at University of Michigan Ann Arbor?
If you answered yes to these three questions then the Student Opportunities for AIDS/HIV Research (SOAR) program may be for you. Scheduled to launch in September, SOAR is a two-year experience for juniors and seniors that aims to prepare students for graduate education and eventual careers in behavioral and social science research involving HIV/AIDS, with a focus on sexual and gender minority communities.
This information session is for students* at the University of Michigan to learn more about the program, meet SOAR co-directors, Professors Gary Harper and Anna Kirkland, and ask questions!
We'll talk about why the SOAR program is unique and can answer any questions about the application process, program activities, benefits and more.
*If you're an advisor or faculty member who wants to learn more so you can tell your students, you're also welcome to attend.
Please register to get the Zoom link: