Call for Proposals: Gender, Women's Suffrage & Political Power Conference

We're delighted to cosponsor the Gender, Women's Suffrage & Political Power: Past, Present, and Future conference with MSU's Center for Gender in Global Context.
The conference is scheduled for November 19-21, 2020 in Lansing, Michigan.
*IRWG will pay for hotel accommodations for up to 5 U-M graduate student presenters. Decision letters will go out in spring. Once accepted, U-M graduate students should email for next steps.*
Submit Your Proposal for GWSPP 2020!
Submission Deadline Extended: May 8, 2020
GWSPP invites proposals for individual papers, panels, individual discussion sessions, and conversational discussion panels. If you would like to organize an alternative format of presentation, such as a workshop, creative session, or data session, please contact us at
Topics could include women's political leadership at the local, national, and international levels, race, class, sexuality, and dis/ability within movements for women's rights, and women in/and academic or community leadership, with a special focus on potentials for solidarity, activism, and/or transformation. Proposals should include opportunities for interaction and dialogue, and indicate how presenters will make time for discussion, regardless of presentation format.
For more information about presentation formats, and submission forms, please visit the conference website: