Queer/Cuir Américas Symposium

This is a public symposium of the Cuir Américas Working Group | Grupo de Trabajo Feminista/Queer/Cuir to be held in Ann Arbor on September 20, 2019, to advance the publication of two scholarly journal special issues that will appear in the United States (in English) and in Brazil (in Spanish and Portuguese). We aspire to create a public space at the University of Michigan for the discussion of LGBTQ Latinx, Indigenous, and Afro- diasporic gender and sexuality through this one-day public event. Our interdisciplinary, transnational, action-based, Latinx queer feminist scholarly group includes university-based scholars and independent scholars and activists that are involved in diverse educational initiatives in several Latin American countries and U.S. Latinx communities. We will host a panel discussion, a keynote speaker, and a reception.
1pm Welcome by Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes (American Culture, Romance Languages and Literatures, Women's Studies), Constanza Contreras Ruiz (English), Kerry White (American Culture)
1:15pm-3:00pm Roundtable on Queer/Cuir Studies in the Américas with Marcia Ochoa (University of California, Santa Cruz), Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel (University of Miami), Marlene Wayar (Independent Scholar, Argentina), Diego Falconí-Trávez (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona), Salvador Vidal-Ortiz (American University/College of the Holy Cross) and Juliana Martínez (American University). Moderated by Lourdes Martínez-Echazábal (University of California, Santa Cruz/Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina).
3:00-3:30pm Break
3:30-5:00pm Keynote lecture by Ochy Curiel (Universidad Nacional de Colombia): “Encuentros y desencuentros entre el feminismo decolonial y la teoría y prácticas queer/cuir" (in Spanish).
Desde el feminismo decolonial que recoge y complejiza los aportes, teorías, análisis y prácticas de las corrientes más criticas del feminismo, como el feminismo negro, la autonomía feminista, el lesbo-feminismo, el feminismo de mujeres indígenas y de origen indígena de Abya Yala, así como los aportes de la opción decolonial en torno a la construcción histórica de la modernidad/colonialidad, esta presentación busca problematizar ciertas posturas y análisis de lo cuir/queer que solo tienen como centro el cuerpo generizado y sexualizado desde lugares de privilegio de raza, clase y geopolítica. Al mismo tiempo intenta rescatar posturas más críticas y radicales de lo cuir/queer que aportan a la construcción de proyectos de transformación social y emancipación colectiva.
5:00-6:00pm Reception
Event is free and open to the public and will be in English and Spanish. Interpretation/translation will not be provided.
Major funding for this event provided by the National Center for Institutional Diversity (NCID) through a Think-Act Tank grant. Additional support provided by the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (including the Brazil Initiative), Department of Afroamerican and African Studies (DAAS), Department of American Culture, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Department of Women's Studies, Institute for the Humanities, Institute for Research on Women and Gender (IRWG), Latina/o Studies Program, the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (ODEI), the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA), and the U-M Office of Research (UMOR).
For more information about the symposium please contact Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes at lawrlafo@umich.edu.
For more information on the Cuir Américas Working Group see https://www.facebook.com/groups/2259123597507573/about/