IRWG Incubators

IRWG Incubators invigorate and extend interdisciplinary connections and research agendas around women, gender, or sexuality.


IRWG Incubators (formerly called "Faculty Led Programs") provide structure for a focused, collective examination of a particular area or topic related to women, gender, and/or sexuality.

Priority will be given to proposals that gather faculty together around a previously underfunded or emerging research area and that promises to energize a group of scholars at the University of Michigan in diverse and inclusive ways. 


Any IRWG affiliate is eligible to request $500 to $7,500 for up to 2 years (renewals are permitted).

Funding may be used to support activities in a wide variety of formats, including (but not limited to) reading or working groups, seminar series or workshops for a core audience of researchers, or a symposium built around a research agenda.

Organizers are responsible for managing their budget and expenditures with IRWG administrative support.

Deadline: Rolling

Apply through InfoReady

Eligibility: IRWG Affiliates*

*U-M faculty and postdocs who are not yet affiliated can apply to be an IRWG affiliate through a simple form.

Application Procedure:

Applications will be accepted through our online submissions portal, InfoReady. You will need the following items for your proposal:

  1. Project Abstract - 100 word summary accessible to a general reader. If awarded, we will use this description on our website and in social media.
  2. Project Narrative - In no more than three (3) pages please include the following:
    1. Goals & Objectives: What does this program hope to achieve? How does it contribute to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in feminist research?
    2. Activities: Include proposed activities and an estimated timeline 
    3. Program Membership/Engagement Plan: Include a list of faculty who have agreed to serve on a steering committee and the Program Area Organizer/s. Organizers should demonstrate potential for sufficient attendance at proposed public events. 
    4. Future Research Plans: Explain how this funding would contribute to future research agendas or strengthen U-M’s collective knowledge/capacity in a particular area
  3. Budget Justification - In no more than two (2) pages describe your project’s budget 
    1. Outline budget expenses, including their justification.
    2. Any salary expenses must include appropriate calculation of benefits. Please note that faculty salary will not be funded.
  4. Letter of support - If your project includes partnerships with community organizations or outside institutions, please include a letter of support from each proposed partner.

Apply now


Read more about recently funded IRWG Incubators on our Scholarly Community page.