Estrategias para descolonizar un extraño cuerpo isleño/Strategies for Decolonizing a Strange Island Body

Event poster
Mickey Negrón
Event Date: 
October 11, 2017
Event Time: 
4:00pm to 5:30pm
3512 Haven Hall
Event poster

In this bilingual (English/Spanish) performative talk, Mickey Negrón will discuss his transition from theatre to performance, or how a queer fairy assumes scenic (performative) and politically empowering positions. He will focus on three of his performances, La Reinita (which translates as “little queen” but is also an endemic Puerto Rican bird known as Adelaide's warbler), Ritual de Pluma y Purificación (Feather and Purification Ritual), and Licencia Menos Fecunda (Less Fecund License), as a search for individual, collective, and national freedom. He will also discuss his curatorship of Asuntos Efímeros (Ephemeral Matters), an avant-garde performance series held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, since 2010, and of Quiebre: International Performance Festival, held in San Juan in 2016.

Artist Bio:

Mickey Negrón is a San Juan-based, interdisciplinary actor/creator, performance artist, dancer, educator, arts event organizer and curator who turns to the real in the theatrical in search of freedom. Born and raised in Aibonito, Puerto Rico, he trained at the University of Puerto Rico and has performed across the Americas, including collaborations with Carola García, Rosa Luisa Márquez, Dean Zayas, Victoria Espinosa, Petra Bravo, Jóvenes del 98, Malayerba, and Yuyachkani. He swallows up the gay scene and brings it to the surface of his body to reinvent it. His nonconformity and country of origin make him gesticulate in unconventional theater spaces. This spittle has been called performance.

Events sponsored by: Arts at Michigan, Center for World Performance Studies, Department of American Culture, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Institute for Research on Women and Gender, LSA Dean’s Office, Institute for the Humanities, and the Latina/o Studies Program.