Mélusine's Prayer: Manuscripts and Monstrous Assemblages

color photograph of Miranda Griffin
Miranda Griffin, University of Cambridge
Event Date: 
September 19, 2016
Event Time: 
Modern Languages Building - RLL Commons, 4th Floor MLB
Event Tags: 
color photograph of Miranda Griffin

Miranda Griffin specializes in medieval French literature. Her published work includes articles on the medieval lai, the fabliaux and the Vulgate Cycle, and her book, The Object and the Cause in the Vulgate Cycle was published by Legenda in 2005. She is now working on a research project on narratives of transformation in medieval French literature.

For more information, contact Peggy McCracken at: peggymcc@umich.edu.

Sponsored by Romance Languages and Literatures. Cosponsored by the Center for European Studies, Institute for Research on Women and Gender, and Women's Studies.