Addressing violence against women in pre-service health training

IRWG affiliate Vijay Singh contributes to WHO Training Guide
Dr. Vijay Singh's 2017 IRWG Faculty Seed Grant was used to travel to, then deliver and evaluate a medical student training at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) School of Medical Sciences in Ghana in 2018. The training was on healthcare identification and response to intimate partner violence.
Related to this work, Dr. Singh took part in the development of a World Health Organization (WHO) publication, Addressing violence against women in pre-service health training: Integrating content from the Caring for women subjected to violence curriculum. This new guide is designed to provide pre-service health training programs, such as in medical, nursing and midwifery schools, with the knowledge and resources to better prepare their students to provide safe, quality, survivor-centered care for women subjected to violence.