Interrogating the Histories and Futures of “Diversity’’ Symposium
October 16 | 9 - 5PM
October 17 | 9 - 1PM
The symposium will investigate the concept, history and institutional implications of the discourse and practice of “diversity” as an emerging globalized form of inclusion.
To what extent does “diversity’’ sustain the status quo and to what extend does it transform it? How should one read recent student movements in relation to their social and intellectual impact? What are other means of inclusion ? How are they working and being theorized in other global contexts?
Organized by the Department of Anthropology. Sponsors: Rackham Graduate School, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, UMOR, Institute for the Humanities, Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Institute for Research on Women and Gender, Germanic Languages and Literatures, Center for South Asian Studies, and the Department of Afroamerican and African Studies.