Digital Queers: LGBTQ Representations in Contemporary Television

This symposium brings together global scholars, activists, and media producers who address contemporary representations of LGBTQ people on television. How have queer images changed in the past ten years? What difference do new distribution channels -- YouTube, Netflix, Amazon Prime -- make to sexual diversity in shows? How does LGBTQ television content migrate around the globe? And what are the ongoing limits of queer representation?
4 - 5:30 PM
Aymar Jean Christian, Northwestern University
Eve Ng, Ohio University
Larry Gross, University of Southern California
Lisa Henderson, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
5:45 - 7 PM
Jen Richards, Writer and actor
Mari Sugalski, University of Michigan
Vincent Doyle, IE University, Madrid
Yeidy Rivero, University of Michigan
Sponsorship provided by Department of Communication Studies, the Howard R. Marsh Center, the Global Media Studies Initiative, the Institute for the Humanities, and the Institute for Research on Women and Gender.
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Please click here to view starting at 4:00pm on April 10th.