Critical Visualities III: March 28-29, 2019 Conference of the Visual Culture Workshop

- Lisa Nakamura, University of Michigan
- Laurie Gries, University of Colorado
- Nicole Fleerwood, Rutgers

9:30-11:30am | Panel 3: Affective Aesthetics of Race and State
- Lisa Nakamura (U-M), “Virtual Reality and the Feeling of Virtue: Women of Color Narrators, Enforced Hospitality, and the Leveraging of Empathy”
- Laurie Gries (Colorado), “Trumpicons, Affect, and the Racial Politics of Circulation”
- Nicole Fleetwood (Rutgers), “Carceral Aesthetics”
11:45am-1:15pm | Closing/collective reflection: Where next?
The Visual Culture Workshop (VCW) convenes the third annual Critical Visualities Conference in order to ask the timely questions: “What are the political dimensions of the affective charge between art and its audience? Between the critic and the art she engages? How does it feel to look ‘critically’ now?”
Critical Visualities is generously supported by the following co-sponsors: Afroamerican and African Studies, American Culture, American Studies Consortium, Anthropology, Carceral Studies, Comparative Literature, Critical Contemporary Studies, Digital Studies, Digital Studies Workshop, Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies, English, History of Art, Institute for the Humanities, Institute for Research on Women and Gender, LSA, Rackham, School of Music, Theatre & Dance, Transnational Contemporary Literature Workshop, U-M Library, and Women's Studies (list in formation).