faculty research

IRWG Mcubed Research Incentive awarded to Mcubed 3.0 cube "The Future of Ethics, Society, and Computing"

The first IRWG-Mcubed Research Incentive was recently awarded to cube, "The Future of Ethics, Society, and Computing," an equal collaboration between three investigators: Prof. Irina Aristarkhova (Art & Design), Dr. Stephanie Rosen (Libraries), and Prof. Christian Sandvig (Information). 

Symposium – Mothering in the Age of Intensive Parenting: Implications for Women and Children’s Well-Being

This transdisciplinary symposium, organized by the Center for Human Growth and Development (CHGD) and the Institute for Research on Women and Gender (IRWG), will focus on the growing tensions between mothers’ well-being and the increasing demands of child-rearing.