Research at IRWG


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Substance Abuse Interdisciplinary Training Program

Primary Investigator(s): 
Margaret E. Gnegy (Pharmacology, Medical School)
In Collaboration With/Organization: 
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Award Year: 

The training program was first established in 1994. The primary objective is to produce new scholars who eventually will conduct ground-breaking substance abuse research and will incorporate other disciplinary perspectives into their research. The predoctoral and postdoctoral training includes: (1) an exposure to a critical analysis of extant research on substance abuse (proseminars and interdisciplinary speakers series); (2) an opportunity to develop methodologically sound research by working with faculty mentors; (3) an interdisciplinary discussion of culturally and gender sensitive research strategies (fall meetings and proseminar); (4) the opportunity to present their research to an interdisciplinary audience for critique, (5) an opportunity to learn about the responsible conduct of research; and (6) the initiation of a research career in the field of substance abuse (for predoctoral fellows) or the development of additional skills to enable the postdoctoral trainee to become an independent investigator.

Visit the NIDA Substance Abuse Interdisciplinary Training Grant website to learn more.

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