Research at IRWG

Chicana por mi Raza: A National Collaboratory

This project will develop the key organizational infrastructure necessary for the establishment of a national collaboratory for Chicana por Mi Raza, a digital humanities initiative with the aim of creating a central repository for public and private archives, oral histories, and research related to the development of Chicana feminist praxis during the civil rights period. Chicana por Mi Raza proposes both the collection of oral histories and documents related to this history—photographs, posters, correspondence, written material (published and unpublished), ephemera—and the development of a flexible user interface that can allow users, both professional and novice, to access these materials through interactive time line and mapping utilities.
With the collection of 500-600 documents (and more to come), the initiative is now ready to shift into a new phase, which involves building key relationships across widely divergent fields and multiple campuses in order to produce both a high-performing online tool (cyber infrastructure development) and an expansive database of visual and textual materials (content development).
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