IRWG welcomes visiting scholars, post-docs, and affiliates to Lane Hall

We're delighted to host a number of new people in Lane Hall this academic year. From research affiliates to postdoctoral fellows and visiting scholars, our building is full of interesting and lovely people:
Katherine Behar, Artist-in-Residence
Katherine Behar is an interdisciplinary media and performance artist and Associate Professor of Art at Baruch College. She is known among scholars of gender for her work connecting art and feminist theory and for her artistic practice that interrogates technology and topics such as appearance, body image, obesity, gender identity, and race. For Fall 2019, she will have studio space in Lane Hall and will collaborate with Prof. Irina Aristarkhova (Art & Design), Dr. Stephanie Rosen (Libraries), and Prof. Christian Sandvig (Information) on their Mcubed project titled "The Future of Ethics, Society, and Computing."
Sarah Crane, IRWG Affiliate; Economic Growth Institute
Sarah Crane serves as the research manager at the Economic Growth Institute. She is currently pursuing her doctorate in International Development with a focus on economics and has her masters in International Relations. Previously she has managed state and federal grants for local farming initiatives and also worked in academic administration at a small private university.
Madison Cruz, Intern, Center for Gender-Responsive Prisoner Healthcare
Madison Cruz graduated from the University of Michigan in 2014. In the fall of 2018, she completed a birth doula training workshop in order to provide perinatal support within under-served communities. She volunteers with the Michigan Prison Doula Initiative, the Southeast Michigan Doula Project, and UM Hospital's Dial-a-Doula program. She is also a manager at Literati Bookstore, and is preparing to apply to several Master of Science in Nurse-Midwifery programs this fall.
Urmitapa Dutta, NCID Scholar-in-Residence (Women's Studies and IRWG); Professor at University of Massachusetts Lowell
Urmitapa Dutta received her Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Illinois and is currently an associate professor in psychology at the University of Massachusetts. While at UMICH, Dr. Dutta is interested in collaborating around the following areas: building communities of resistance (in academia and beyond); women's everyday activism; and decolonizing research and practice in the areas of violence and violence prevention, citizenship and community-based research and action. Dr. Dutta’s current work explores the phenomena of everyday violence through two interconnected lines of inquiry: Gendered Violence in Northeast India: Centering Women’s Analysis and Disrupting Everyday Violence Through Action Research
Karra Greenberg, IRWG Postdoctoral Fellow; MCubed Project on Cost and Fairness in Health Insurance
Karra Greenberg received her Ph.D. in Sociology from UCLA. Dr. Greenberg's research aims to understand how dramatic, macro-level economic and social change is reshaping individual lives with respect to work, family, and emotional well-being. Her current and planned work is shaped by many of the key themes of a life course perspective, including how lives unfold over time, the interrelationships of multiple spheres of life, and interlocked lives within and across generations. She gains fresh insights on these topics by taking a comparative approach, investigating how processes involving work, family, and health unfold differently across multiple country settings and over time.
Kate McCabe, IRWG Postdoctoral Fellow in Law, Gender and Health
Kate McCabe recently completed her PhD in Sociology at the University of Illinois - Chicago. Her specialty areas include: Gender, Race, Reproductive Politics, Social Movements, Mixed Methods, Feminist Epistemology, Medical Sociology, Institutions, Organizations, & the State.
Emily Sluiter, IRWG Research Affiliate; Consortium on Gender Responsive Prisoner Healthcare
Emily is a clinical researcher at Michigan Medicine and co-founder of the Michigan Prison Doula Initiative. She is interested in improving medical outcomes using evidence-based health practices, and is engaged in non-profit management and development, medical research, transgender health, and criminal, reproductive, and restorative justice reform.
Xiaoxia (Sylvia) Sun, IRWG Visiting Scholar; Lecturer, College English Department Capital Normal University, Beijing, China
Xiaoxia Sun received her Ph.D. in Modern World History from Capital Normal University and currently works as a lecturer in the College English Department at Capital Normal University. While at the University of Michigan, Xiaoxia Sun will continue her research on an ongoing project that deals with the Transnational Interpretation of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union and its comparison with the feminist movement in China.
Sarah Trinh, IRWG Research Investigator
Sarah Trinh is a research investigator, who uses quantitative and qualitative methods to examine peer sexual socialization processes. She focuses on communication between friends in adolescence and emerging adulthood and explores their content and implications for young people's sexual health and well being.
Jacqueline Williams, IRWG Research Affiliate; Consortium on Gender Responsive Prisoner Healthcare
Jacqueline Williams is a co-founder of the Michigan Prison Doula Initiative and associate director of IRWG's Consortium for Gender Responsive Prisoner Healthcare.
Jing Xianjing, IRWG Visiting Scholar; Associate Professor and Director of Teaching and Research, Department of Modern Chinese History, Shanghai Sada University, Shanghai, China
Jing Xianjing received a Ph.D. in History from East China Normal University, Shanghai and is currently working as an Associate Professor and Director of Teaching and Research in the Department of Modern Chinese History at Shanghai Sanda University. Jing Xianjing is coming to the University of Michigan to continue her research on female workers in Shanghai, China under the background of Fourteen Years of Anti-Japanese War (1931-1945).
Zhang Yu, IRWG Visiting Scholar; Lecturer and Executive Director, Gender and Culture Research Center at The University of Shanghai for Science and Technology Shanghai, China
Zhang Yu received her Ph.D. in Citizen Education from Fudan University and is a lecturer at the School of Marxist, as well as, the Executive Director of the Gender and Culture Research Center. While at the University of Michigan, Zhang Yu will continue her research on a project that deals with the development of China’s national feminism during the post-socialist transition.
Fengrong Zhang, IRWG Visiting Scholar; Professor, Department of Sociology and Director, Scientific Research Dept, Women’s Research Center Northeast Normal University Changchun, Jilin Province, China
Fengrong Zhang graduated from Jilin University with a Ph.D. in Transportation Planning and Management. Zhang completed two Post-doctoral fellowships, one in Economics at Northeast Normal University, and the other in Social Science (IOT) at Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Fengrong Zhang is currently a Professor in the Department of Sociology at Northeast Normal University and the Director of the Scientific Research Department in the Women’s Research Center at Northeast Normal University.