Our Future University Community: Reflections on Justices Susanne Baer and Sonia Sotomayor's Remarks

image of audience listening to speaker with event title
Participants : 
  • Martha S. Jones, Presidential Bicentennial Professor, Arthur F Thurnau Professor, Professor of History, Afroamerican and African Studies, and Adjunct Professor of Law 

  • Terrence McDonald, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Professor of History; Director, Bentley Historical Library; former Dean, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

  • Ruby Tapia, Associate Professor of English Language and Literature and Women's Studies

  • Moderator: Anna Kirkland, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor; Associate Professor of Women's Studies and Political Science; Associate Director, Institute for Research on Women & Gender

Event Date: 
February 2, 2017
Event Time: 
Michigan League Ballroom (2nd floor)
Event Accessibility : 
Ramp access: Use building's south entrance (facing N. University Ave. and the circle driveway); Elevator is on the south end of the building, near the main lobby
Event Tags: 
image of audience listening to speaker with event title

This panel discussion follows the January 30th bicentennial colloquium, The Future University Community, featuring German Justice Susanne Baer and Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

In this follow-up conversation, three faculty members discuss how the University of Michigan can resurrect, revive, or otherwise reinvigorate its lofty mission.

Audience members will be able to ask questions and participate in the event. Refreshments will be served.

Read the Michigan Daily's article covering the event.
Watch the video of the discussion.