William A. Calvo-Quirós

Professional Title
William A. Calvo-Quirós is an associate professor of American Culture at the University of Michigan. He holds a Ph.D. in Chicana/o Studies from the University of California Santa Barbara (2014) and a Ph.D. from the Department of Architecture and Environmental Design at Arizona State University (2011). His current research investigates the relationship between state gender violence, imagination, and the spiritual along the U.S. - Mexico border region during the twentieth century. He looks at this region not only as a socio-political space of conflict and struggle but simultaneously as a 2,000-mile strip of "haunted" land, inhabited by many imaginary entities and popular saints and religious tales. His current book project studies the evolution, migration, and politics around Mexican and Mexican American vernacular saints from the last one-hundred years. His areas of research include Chicana/o aesthetics, Chicana feminist and queer decolonial methodologies, and the power of empathy, and forgiveness in order to formulate new racial, gender, and sensual discourses. You can find more about his research, and teaching at www.barriology.com