M. Candace Christensen


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Professional Title

Associate Professor of Social Work


School of Social Work


Christensen’s research consists of a critical feminist approach to community engaged, qualitative, and arts-based research methodologies that prevent and respond to gendered, racial, and anti-LGBTQ+ violence. Christensen’s commitment to these approaches is grounded in their positionalities as Femme genderqueer, poly-sexual, artist-activist, and survivor of sexual violence. Christensen’s career aim is to deconstruct paradigms and practices that perpetuate power-based violence and build cultures focused on self-determination, a sense of connection, and mutual empowerment. Their recent work focuses on queer and trans youth development, specifically how organizations can foster joy, a sense of belonging, and mutual empowerment for youth. Another key focus is using photovoice for evaluation, as an intervention, and as a tool for educating social work students. Christensen also has experience using theatre of the oppressed to construct sexual violence prevention interventions. They are excited to continue with arts-based social justice research projects that prevent violence and build life-affirming cultures.

Research Interests

social sciences
qualitative research
community-based research
sexual harassment/gender harassment
violence (sexual/gender/other)