Helmut Puff


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Professional Title

Professor, Germanic Languages and Literature, History, History & Anthropology, History of Art


College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA)
Germanic Languages
Germanic Languages and Literature
History of Art


Helmut Puff's teaching and research focus on German literature, history, and culture in the medieval and early modern periods. He specializes in gender studies, the history of sexuality, media history, and the literature of the Reformation and the Renaissance. His research includes modes of seeing and visual culture in sixteenth-century Europe with a focus on German Renaissance art. His interest in the intersections between textuality, visuality, and spatiality, has led him to publish on the changing representations of ruins as well as the history of three-dimensional city models from the sixteenth century to the present. Recently, he has started a project on waiting as a mode of experienced temporality between the Middle Ages and the twentieth century.

Research Interests

social sciences