Craig Rodriguez-Seijas

Professional Title
Dr. Rodriguez-Seijas’s research interests lie in (1) understanding the nature of psychopathology and (2) investigating the ways in which stigma, discrimination, and marginalization impact the manifestation, assessment, conceptualization, and treatment of psychopathology.
The Stigma, Psychopathology, & Assessment (SPLAT) Lab is devoted to furthering clinical science research aimed at improving our understanding and conceptualization of psychopathology, particularly among populations defined by increased exposure to stigma, discrimination, and marginalization. The SPLAT Lab is particularly focused on exploring ways in which structural and interpersonal stigma are related to our understanding of mental health and wellbeing.
SPLAT Lab Goals
- Extant models of psychopathology bear little resemblance with actual clinical science data.
- Individuals who occupy less socially privileged positions in society face structural and interpersonal obstacles that detrimentally impact mental health, not the least of which include the ways in which we conceptualize, assess, diagnose, and treat psychiatric malaise.
The Goals of Our Research lab are:
- To improve understanding of the fundamental structure of psychopathology, with particular focus on transdiagnostic analytic approaches.
- To investigate psychosocial determinants of mental health and how they impact the conceptualization, assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of psychiatric disorders.
- To highlight the ways in which stigma, in its many forms, impacts our understanding of psychosocial dysfunction.