An Archive of Difference: Syrian Women, the Peddling Economy and US Social Welfare, 1880–1935


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Image of Charlotte Karem Albrecht
Image of Charlotte Karem Albrecht

Professor Charlotte Karem Albrecht (LSA, American Culture, Women's Studies) recently published "An Archive of Difference: Syrian Women, the Peddling Economy and US Social Welfare, 1880–1935." In this article, she argues that the scrutiny of the Arab-American peddling economy by social welfare workers shows how dominant ideas about gender and sexuality, expressed through work and class position, are at the root of Arab-American racialisation. Full article

Professor Charlotte Karem Albrecht is Assistant Professor of American Culture and Assistant Professor of Women's Studies in LSA. Earning her Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota (2013), her research areas include: queer of color critique, interdisciplinary and historical methods, history of gender and sexuality, women of color and transnational feminisms.

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